November 06, 2023
ASK-EDI - SFTP Password and Security Updates
On 12/6/2023, ASK will be implementing an update to increase the required length of trading partner passwords from 8 characters to 12 characters. After 12/6/2023, when the trading partner’s SFTP password expires, submitters will be required to set a password that is a minimum of 12 characters in length.
Additionally, in an effort to meet identity and access management standards and further protect our trading partners from potential data transfer security vulnerabilities, ASK is planning to implement multifactor authentication (MFA) in 2024. An implementation date has not yet been scheduled and ASK will provide email notification, along with a web posting, to provide at least a 30 day notice prior to the implementation of MFA.
Further, to minimize impact and avoid potential transmission disruptions when MFA is implemented next year, ASK is encouraging any trading partner with the ability to create and use a SSH key, to upload a SSH key to your trading partner account within the next 60-90 days. SSH key submissions may take 3 – 5 business days before being accepted and loaded to the trading partner account. Once a SSH key has been loaded a password is no longer utilized.